Pannon Show 2020
Pannon Terrier Association will oranize the next bull type special show on 20. June 2020. at 13:00.
As always, we invited breed specialist breeder judges, thanks a lot, we are very thankful they accepted our invitation in these diffitult times.
English Bullterrier, Miniature bullterrier:
- Sandra Zepke - "Mighty Bulls" - Austria
breeder and owner of "Mighty Bulls" kennel, FCI judge of bull type terriers, president of Austrian Bullterrier Club (ÖBTC) and organizer of Hauch Memorial show.
Staffordshire bull terrier:
- Cvetka Bogovcic - "T.N.T. Edition" - Slovenia
Breeder and owner of "T.N.T. Edition", FCI judge of bull type terriers, president of Slovenian staffordshire bull terrier club, co-organizer of European Dogshow and Interra show 2020.
Amerikai Staffordshire Terrier:
- Mladen Ercegovic - "Try the best" - Croatia
breeder and owner of kennel "Try the best", FCI judge of bull type terriers, a prominent figure in Croatian cynology and recognized member of the amstaff world.
Show informations- Pannon Specialty Show 2020 – Premium List
Second and additional dogs: 35 Euro
Minor puppy, Puppy, Veteran: 25 Euro
Couple, Breeding group, Junior handlers - on the show: Free
Online entry –
Not need to pay before , you need to pay on the show ground!
Amerikai Stafforshire Terrier – Mladen Ercegovic (CRO)
Angol Staffordshire Bullterrier - Cvetka Bogovcic (SLO)
Angol Bullterrier és Miniature Bullterrier – Sandra Zepke (A)
Judge list to the CACIB show
13:00-16:00 Pannon Terrier Special Show
16:30- Best in Show Program
Parking, entrance ticket fees:
GPS: 47.337398; 17.469093